March 12, 2010

20 months and BIG CHANGES

I feel like things these days are changing at a rapid pace.
This girl is no longer a baby...She is now an independent, potty training, about to start sleeping in a big girl bed kind of girl.
Makayla is now 20 months old! Can you believe it? I can't! She is growing up so fast. After much back and forth between Steve and I we decided Miss M is ready for school..well in the fall at least. She will be going to Preschool 2 days a week. Tuesdays will be a half day and Thursdays will be a full day at SCHOOL. I still cannot believe my baby is old enough to talk about school, but she is. I think it will be good for her and we are all excited to see what all she can learn.

Another big change is Makayla is potty training!!!! I was really not ready for this but she was. A few month ago we got a little potty and showed her what it was and how to use it. She would go here and there before a bath or whatever but nothing on a regular basis. When we came home on Sunday evening she asked to use the potty and has been in panties ever since. She has had 1 accident but been dry other then that. She is still in diapers at night time but panties or a pull up the rest of the time. We are SO proud of her but so sad at the same time.

She is also going to start sleeping in a toddler bed as of tonight. She loves her bed but is starting to climb out and she likes to crawl in and out of the day bed we have in the office, so we figured now is a better time that any. We ordered the bed rail for her crib to become a toddler bed and it just came in today. I will let you know how the next few nights go, as Makayla makes the transition from baby to big girl.

She is going through changes within her self and some days are worse then others. She is talking like crazy and tells you what she needs and wants which is nice but leaves a lot of room for arguments LOL. She is going through a clingy faze which we are hoping won't last forever. She is getting picky about what she eats and wants to do it herself ALL OF THE TIME!
She is independent and smart and loving and grumpy and has tantrums and throw fits and gives big hugs and kisses, and knows how to charm you when she wants something.

She is changing and it is happening before our eyes and we are so thankful for it everyday.


  1. she is too cute! i know you and steve are proud and you should be! its a wonderful feeling to watch them grow, learn and become big kids but sad at the same time!!

  2. It's crazy how fast they grow up. Blink of an eye. LOVE the pic of you two. It's the sweetest one I have ever seen!

  3. gorgeous pictures!!! loved this post :)


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